Our Services

Tradinos UG
5 min readSep 7, 2021

Twenty-something years ago, tell someone that their mobile phone, the new exciting invention that somehow took the world by storm, would be an integral part of their lives, and a portal for the digital world, they would have probably looked at you and laughed claiming that ‘Snake’ was the pinnacle of technological evolution.

Twenty-something years later, if you’re not backing up your business with some sort of digital presence, then your chances of getting that big breakthrough in your field are slim to none.

In a world that’s diving head first into virtual reality, digitalization, e-commerce, e-learning, and pretty much e-everything, existing online, marketing it correctly, and backing it up with onsite work can make all the difference.

If what we said is having you look at your digital outlets and scratching your head, then you most definitely could use our services.

Tradinos is a software development company whose sole purpose is to cater to the requirements of this ever-evolving world. So, here’s a quick overview of what we can offer to kickstart your business, or integrate it into the digital age.

UI/UX Design Services

What if we tell you that you don’t have to be embarrassed about that botched design job someone made? With our team of experts, design is a piece of cake. Well, for you at least. For us, it’s a delicate process of research and user study until we hit that perfect color and design that would speak for you.

A UI/UX process isn’t simply a matter of refining or creating a concept out of thin air. No matter how fancy we make it, if the UI/UX doesn’t take the users into account, then it’s a total failure. This is why, our UI/UX process is centralized around the users, their preferences, and their personas. We listen to them, we listen to you, and conduct our competitor analysis, market study, and persona study, before we lay out the design patterns and moving on to the actual UI/UX solution.

Mobile Applications and Websites Development Services

Ideas? check.

Laptops? check.

Developers? check.

Coding knowledge, new technologies, code standards, everything tech? Also check!

The next big service website or mobile application that will take the world by storm? Absolutely!

By connecting technology, architecture, logic, polished design, and smooth UI/UX experience, our websites and applications are built for the future. By keeping the requirements in mind, and using the latest technology has to offer to code and create, we release unique and innovative platforms into the world, and take it by storm.

Reach out to us, share your idea, your concept, even your old website or mobile application, we’re ready to meet the requirements, tackle them, and finish them on time in the form of a neatly packaged platform that caters to the business needs.

Our portfolio can prove it !

MVP: Design and Development

No pain, no gain.

Well, no, that’s not true, because we can certainly help spare you the pain and jump right to the gain. In today’s technology and experience-driven digital era, the way we look at mobile applications and websites has changed. Competition is everywhere, and to outsmart it, savvy businesses need to be first to the market with new but effective products and services.

That’s why we start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that we launch to the market at an early phase. Based on an Agile startup methodology, we only build the minimum amount of required features to release an initial version.

This means that your potential users are involved in the development process. An early, functional launch helps us collect the maximum amount of validated information about customers with the least effort. This means we get acquainted with the market demand and develop the next set of features based on that, in return, your product will quickly gain tract, and face considerably less issues when the final version is released!

Post-Launch Support

This is where we say that it’s done! It’s finally done! Good night, and good luck!

Nope, just kidding, finishing the platform is a great achievement, yes, but launching it is only the beginning for you, and another stage of work for us. We believe in happily ever after, therefore, we take it upon ourselves to ensure the happy will not get interrupted by some loose bug, or sudden system error that might hinder the day.

Our services extend beyond launch, and ensure that your software, application, or website, is always at its peak performance. We stay in touch with our clients at all times, especially after the delivery phase is over. That 99.99% uptime is not a dream with our technical support team always on the standby!

We design it, we code it, we deliver it, and we support it!

Tradinos, a creative hub of innovations and technology!



Tradinos UG

We are Tradinos; Creative Hub, we bring creative people together, as a convenor that focuses on both the practical and artistic process of building an app